Hawaii FCU Preapproval Campaigns Sees Success

Hawaii State Federal Credit Union sought opportunities to improve on its single-product loan campaigns that may not have addressed member needs.

Three challenges the credit union wanted to address:

  1. Improve response to its traditional loan marketing campaigns
  2. Create efficiencies in campaign planning for its marketing staff
  3. Optimize online and mobile channels

Hawaii State FCU chose Vericast’s Multi-Loan Pre-Approval solution because of the company’s focus on the credit union’s needs and business goals.

in new loan balances in 180 days
cost per booked loan

“Vericast is truly an extension of our internal stakeholders. They are as invested in our success as we are.” – Allison Maertens, Hawaii State FCU Vice President of Marketing

Download the case study to learn how Vericast  helped Hawaii State FCU become “marketing rock stars.”